Access Keys:

Fourtowns Primary School, Ahoghill

Daily Timetable


8.40-9.00am - Pupils enter school

The school doors will open at 8.40 am, from which time pupils will be supervised by teachers in their own classrooms. Pupils should enter the school by their own entrance only.
Class exterior doors will be kept closed on rainy, frosty or snowy days and children should enter by the main reception from 8.40am.

Please note that pupils coming to school before 8.40am are unsupervised and remain the responsibility of parents.

9.00am - Lessons start
Lessons start at 9.00am and pupils should be organised and seated in their classroom by this time. 

10.30-10.45am - Snack
This time allows the children to eat a small healthy snack and go to the toilet.  

10.45-10.55am - Break

12.05–1.00pm - Lunch

2.00pm - Home time for P1, 2 and P3* (*Wed -Fri)

3.00pm - Home time for P3* (*Mon/Tue) and P4-7

3.05-3.50pm - After School Clubs