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Fourtowns Primary School, Ahoghill


We aim to create a calm and caring community where teachers teach and children learn. Each pupil will be encouraged to fulfil his/her intellectual, spiritual, social, aesthetic and emotional potential. Central to the creation of this environment is the recognition of the worth and value of each child and the cultivation of self- respect, so that each child may accept his/her appropriate responsibilities and show respect for others.

School Aims

  1. To create a safe, happy and caring school environment in which pupils are made aware of their worth and helped realise their maximum potential.

    2. To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which takes account of the individual needs of pupils and prepares them for secondary level education.

    3. To help children acquire and enjoy developing the skills of learning.

    4. To provide an ordered environment conducive to learning and at the same time help them to grow in maturity so that they may exercise self-discipline and develop positive self- esteem and independence.

    5. To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of each Child.

    6. To help children understand and appreciate that courtesy, good manners and consideration for others are important qualities.

    7. To help children to be aware of global issues and to understand their responsibilities as citizens.

    8. To promote close links between home school and the community.